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13 August 2011

Gnunet: decentralized, P2P, anonymous, censorship-resistant file-sharing

 At the beginning of 2002 we used Kazza Lite for p2p file sharing. Until we heard many people reported about viruses on Kazza lite, we stop using Kazza lite and start to migrate to another free p2p file sharing network. On the middle of 2005 we start to use torrent but at the end of 2006 our Internet Administrator do many rule modification including blocking torrent and other p2p sharing network. In the early 2008 we've found TOR network to unblocked torrent and still using it until today. It's may be to late, but yesterday we saw another interesting p2p network application called GNUnet (we're still learning about how to use GNUnet).

GNUnet is a free software framework for decentralized, peer-to-peer networking. The framework offers link encryption, peer discovery and resource allocation. The primary application is anonymous, censorship-resistant file-sharing, allowing users to anonymously publish or retrieve information of all kinds.

Build Gnunet 0.9 on Ubuntu >=10.4LTS; A step by step DIY howto

Dato che non ho visto niente a riguardo qui(ma anche altrove a dir la verità gira veramente poco. Si mantiene un low profile ma d' altro canto si è anche vicini alla fatidica rel. 1.0.0 meglio quindi prepararsi) prendo la libertà di farmi promotore qui di questo (IMHO) interessante progetto.

Per chi è interessato ecco come fare da se il build di gnunet 0.9pre3 sulla lucid lynx(10.4LTS) --e seguenti-- ecco qui il howto. Ho fatto qualche piccola modifica a quanto riferito a

Anche se io --per la Lucid-- lo feci su un sistema fisico suggerisco la virtualizzazione per non "sporcare" il sistema  che si usa quotidianamente (host) ossia di "girare" un sistema Linux(ubuntu o altro) attraverso p.e. virtualbox e fare le seguenti operazioni di build e test nella macchina virtuale (guest)

step 0. Prima di tutto se:

In 10.04LTS si è già installata la gnunet dal repo ubuntu disinstalliamo completamente(purge)  gnunet e anche libmicrohttpd e libextractor.

In 11.04 prima del sudo checkinstall di ognuno dei pacchetti di cui facciamo il build dobbiamo disinstallare i pacchetti della seconda linea in step1  libmicrohttpd5, gnunet-server, libextractor1c2a

step 1. Installiamo pacchetti principalmente .dev ma anche subversion ed altri che serviranno per il build

sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion checkinstall texinfo libcurl4-openssl-dev libgmp3-dev autopoint autoconf libpoppler-dev libtool
sudo apt-get build-dep libmicrohttpd5 gnunet-server libextractor1c2a 

la 2nda linea fa installare un sacco di pacchetti.Per chi tiene alla pulizia del proprio sistema sono cmq di piccola dimensione e facilmente disinstallabili

The following NEW packages will be installed:
   dialog guile-1.8 guile-1.8-dev libadns1-dev libbeecrypt-dev libbeecrypt7 libdb-dev libdjvulibre-dev libexif-dev
   libexiv2-dev libextractor-dev libextractor-plugins libextractor1c2a libflac-dev libglade2-dev libgraphviz-dev
   liblcms1-dev libmagick++-dev libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libmicrohttpd5 libncurses5-dev
   libncursesw5-dev libneon27-gnutls-dev libogg-dev libpopt-dev libqt4-dev libqt4-multimedia libqt4-opengl-dev
   libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev librpm-dev librpmbuild0 libselinux1-dev libsepol1-dev libstartup-notification0-dev
   libvorbis-dev libwmf-dev ocaml-base-nox qt4-qmake

a. checkinstall l'ho messo opzionalmente per facilitare una eventuale successiva disinstallazione. La stessa operazione --se non si cancellano le dir di build-- si potrebbe fare attraverso il cmd

make uninstall

b. nel qualcaso checkinstall si lamenta che non può installare e da un errore tipo(p.e. in fase di install di libmicrohttpd dopo aver già installato extractor):

Reading database ... 416333 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libmicrohttpd (from .../libmicrohttpd_0913-1_amd64.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing /home/harrykar/Desktop/temp_/gnunet/libmicrohttpd/libmicrohttpd_0913-1_amd64.deb (--install):
 trying to overwrite '/usr/local/share/info/dir', which is also in package extractor 0:062-1
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:

diamo senza patemi d' animo (si tratta solo di sovrascrivere il file '/usr/local/share/info/dir' già creato identico da qualche altro pacchetto)

sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i 

step 2.  Scarichiamo da svn & installiamo Extractor

mkdir -p $HOME/code/gnunet && cd $HOME/code/gnunet
svn checkout && cd Extractor
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make
sudo make install 
sudo checkinstall

step 3.  Scarichiamo & installiamo  libmicrohttpd

cd $HOME/code/gnunet
svn checkout && cd libmicrohttpd
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make
sudo make install
sudo checkinstall

Nel step 4
in caso si abbia Ubuntu 10.4LTS(di default da repo ubuntu ha la libcurl 7.19.7) in fase di ./configure si ottiene il seguente errore:

error: GNUnet requires libcurl >= 7.20.1 

Ci sono 2 modi per risolvere(la a è più da Ubuntiani ma dato che ci siamo in spirito di build io ho seguito la b che è banale lo stesso).
a.  O si scarica il *.deb di curl da
b.  o si fa il build scaricando il sorgente da  o usare il binario(ultimissima release di curl) fatto da me (guarda PS sotto)

in caso si abbia invece Ubuntu 11.04(la testai su Virtualbox) nessun problema circa libcurl. In Natty --il build si è dimostrato più difficoltoso che in Lucid-- il primo problema deriva dal pacchetto libgcrypt

in fase di ./configure in cui si ha:

/bin/sed: can't read /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No such file or directory
libtool: link: `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' is not a valid libtool archive
make[3]: *** [] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/harrykar/build/gnu_net/gnunet/src/transport'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/harrykar/build/gnu_net/gnunet/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/harrykar/build/gnu_net/gnunet'
make: *** [all] Error 2


sudo dpkg -S
libgcrypt11-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

mi conferma infatti che si trova in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in Natty e non in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ove l' aspetta di trovarla gnunet.

Facendo un parallelo con la 10.4LTS si vede che li c'era nel pacchetto anche il /lib/ (e in più era un collegamento simbolico a /usr/lib/ Nella Natty(11.04) oltre ad essere cambiata la dir(ubuntu: la distro che senza cambiamenti non può  Grin) da /usr/lib/ a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ non c'è nel pacchetto il collegamento simbolico /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ a cui guarda gnunet.

Nella 10.04LTS

dpkg -S
libgcrypt11-dev: /lib/
libgcrypt11-dev: /usr/lib/

Quindi creo un simbolic link su /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
dopo di che riavvio il sistema riscarico gnunet da svn  e rifaccio ./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make. Stavolta ottengo l' errore:

gcc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No such file or directory

Faccio di nuovo il parallelo con la 10.04(noto che in /lib/ c'è un link simbolico che punta a /lib/ e me ne accorgo che manca il link simbolico denominato che punta a /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Lo creo:

sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

rifaccio il make e funziona senza problemi faccio il make install e tutto va come dovrebbe o quasi  (checkinstall mi da errore). Cmq riesco a far eseguire gnunet e a trovare il file test GPL
Errore checkinstall anche con dpkg --force-overwrite -i

sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i gnunet_0-9-0pre3-1_amd64.deb

Selecting previously deselected package gnunet.
dpkg: regarding .../gnunet_0-9-0pre3-1_amd64.deb containing gnunet:
 login conflicts with gnunet (<< 0.7.0c-2)
  gnunet (version 0-9-0pre3-1) is to be installed.
dpkg: error processing /home/harrykar/build/gnu_net/gnunet/gnunet_0-9-0pre3-1_amd64.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing gnunet
Errors were encountered while processing:

step 4 Scarichiamo & installiamo gnunet

cd $HOME/code/gnunet
svn co && cd gnunet*
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make
sudo make install
sudo checkinstall 

step 5.  Creiamo una dir e  file di configuraz. vuoto. Se in precedenza avevamo installato gnunet dal repo ubuntu rimuoviamo prima la directory .gnunet nella nostra home

mkdir $HOME/.gnunet/ && touch $HOME/.gnunet/gnunet.conf 

step 6.  Facciamo "partire" gnunet come normal user diamo:

harrykar@harrysas:~$ gnunet-arm -s 
Service `arm' has been started.
harrykar@harrysas:~$ Jul 25 13:28:03-414944 transport-8935 ERROR Could not aquire lock on file `/home/harrykar/.gnunet/.hostkey': Resource temporarily unavailable...
Jul 25 13:28:03-414982 transport-8935 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently generating a hostkey.
Jul 25 13:29:03-426015 transport-8935 ERROR Could not aquire lock on file `/home/harrykar/.gnunet/.hostkey': Resource temporarily unavailable...
Jul 25 13:29:03-426041 transport-8935 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently generating a hostkey.
Jul 25 13:34:35-268491 dht-21008 WARNING Have 19 newly found peers since last find peer message sent!
Jul 25 15:34:06-067795 transport-8935 WARNING Not accepting PONG from `V1C1' with address `(null)' since I cannot confirm using this address.
Jul 25 15:34:06-076347 transport-8935 WARNING Not accepting PONG from `V1C1' with address `(null)' since I cannot confirm using this address.
Jul 25 15:34:06-700527 transport-8935 WARNING Not accepting PONG from `V1C1' with address `(null)' since I cannot confirm using this address.

L' errore in output di gnunet-server potrebbe anch' essere il seguente:

Aug 05 05:41:29-157285 transport-13981 WARNING Not accepting PONG from `V1C1' with address `(null)' since I cannot confirm using this address.
Ad ogni modo non vi preoccupate di questi errori sono dei bugs conosciuti e prima o poi spariranno.

Per fermarlo invece diamo:


$ gnunet-arm -e 
Service `arm' has been stopped.

How to start and stop a GNUnet 0.9.x peer

Il sw sottostante(Gui per il client --e preferences elementare--) è opzionale

Nota(grazie a @amatus di #gnunet):
Nel step 7 in caso si abbia Ubuntu 10.4LTS(di default da repo ubuntu ha la libgladeui-1.9 e libgladeui-1-dev mentre gnunet-gtk guarda per /usr/include/libgladeui-2.0) in fase di ./configure si ottiene:

checking for Glade core... /usr/include/libgladeui-1.0
checking gladeui/glade.h usability... no
checking gladeui/glade.h presence... no
checking for gladeui/glade.h... no
configure: error: gnunet-gtk requires Glade3 (library and headers)

In caso si abbia Ubuntu 10.4LTS ci fermiamo qui. Non possiamo andare avanti, sostituire Gnome2 con Gnome3 in pratica vuol dire fare un upgrade.

Per chi invece ha già Natty:

a. installiamo Gnome3
b. Installiamo libgladeui-2.0

sudo apt-get install libgladeui-2.0

Nota: Subito dop il passo b. riguardo il problema di checkinstall sulla dir gnunet ho ridato

sudo checkinstall
e gnunet viene installato senza problemi Smiley

step 7.  Scarichiamo & installiamo la GUI gnunet-gtk

cd $HOME/code/gnunet
svn co && cd gnunet-gtk
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-extractor=/usr  --with-gnunet=/usr && make
sudo make install
sudo checkinstall

step 8.  Scarichiamo & installiamo la GUI per la configurazione --essenziale-- gnunet-setup

cd $HOME/code/gnunet
svn co && cd gnunet-setup
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gnunet=/usr && make
sudo make install
sudo checkinstall

step 9. Facciamo pulizia
Grazie al capo-project di #gnunet
Non dimentichiamo di disinstallare libextractor 0.5.23, libmicrohttpd-dev, libmicrohttpd5 4.4.1 pena errori di libextractor quando facciamo publish

gnunet-publish -m "title:Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Feb.2008.chm" -m "mimetype:application/x-chm" -m "author:Jon Erickson" -k hack Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm

Unknown metadata type in metadata option `author:Jon Erickson'.  Using metadata type `unknown' instead.
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_oo_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_oo_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_oo_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_oo_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `oo' failed: (null)
Plugin `oo' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_fi' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_fi' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_filename_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_filename_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_filename_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_filename_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `filename' failed: (null)
Plugin `filename' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_da' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_da' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_en' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_en' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_fr' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_fr' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_md5' failed: (null)
Plugin `hash_md5' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_es' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_es' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_ga' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_ga' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_pt' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_pt' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_sv' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_sv' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_de' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_de' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_sha1' failed: (null)
Plugin `hash_sha1' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_rmd160' failed: (null)
Plugin `hash_rmd160' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_translit_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_translit_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_translit_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_translit_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `translit' failed: (null)
Plugin `translit' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_no' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_no' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_it' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_it' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_lower_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_lower_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_lower_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_lower_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `lower' failed: (null)
Plugin `lower' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_split_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_split_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_split_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_split_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `split' failed: (null)
Plugin `split' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_oo_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_oo_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_oo_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_oo_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `oo' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_fi_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_fi' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_filename_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_filename_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_filename_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_filename_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `filename' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_da_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_da' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_da' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_en_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_en' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_en' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_fr_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_fr' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_fr' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_md5_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_md5' failed: (null)
Plugin `hash_md5' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_pt_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_pt' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_pt' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_es_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_es' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_es' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_sv_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_sv' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_sv' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_ga_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_ga' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_ga' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_de_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_de' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_sha1_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_sha1' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_hash_rmd160_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `hash_rmd160' failed: (null)
Plugin `hash_rmd160' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_translit_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_translit_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_translit_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_translit_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `translit' failed: (null)
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_it_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_it' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_it' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_printable_no_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `printable_no' failed: (null)
Plugin `printable_no' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_lower_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_lower_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_lower_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_lower_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `lower' failed: (null)
Plugin `lower' failed to load!
Resolving symbol `EXTRACTOR_split_extract' failed, so I tried `_EXTRACTOR_split_extract', but that failed also.  Errors are: `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: EXTRACTOR_split_extract' and `/usr/lib/libextractor/ undefined symbol: _EXTRACTOR_split_extract'.
Resolving `extract' method of plugin `split' failed: (null)
Plugin `split' failed to load!
Plugin `oo' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_fi' choked on this input
Plugin `filename' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_da' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_en' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_fr' choked on this input
Plugin `hash_md5' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_pt' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_es' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_sv' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_ga' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_de' choked on this input
Plugin `hash_sha1' choked on this input
Plugin `hash_rmd160' choked on this input
Plugin `translit' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_it' choked on this input
Plugin `printable_no' choked on this input
Plugin `lower' choked on this input
Plugin `split' choked on this input
Publishing `Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm' done.

E' tempo che comincino le danze  datevi sotto belli
Enjoy & have fun!! ;-)

PS: Inutile ribadire che consiglio il fai da te(DIY=Do It Yourself) --se non altro per far esperienza-- Per chi invece vuole la pappa pronta(per esempio i novizi) && ha una macchina a 64bit && si fida, ecco i binari(per l' install seguite l'ordine in cui appaiono) con relativo checksum:

Binari per la Lucid(10.04LTS)

$ md5sum extractor_062svn-1_amd64.deb
7509603b0dec6f66aba01ef81759a01a  extractor_062svn-1_amd64.deb(39.8MB)

$ md5sum libmicrohttpd_0913svn-1_amd64.deb
ed6f533c9944b16d0a5ce4f8167ea420  libmicrohttpd_0913svn-1_amd64.deb(686.2 KB)

$ md5sum gnunet_090pre3-1_amd64.deb
b98baaf157b9d80cf2d1a6915c6d72e0  gnunet_090pre3-1_amd64.deb(957.6 KB)

Solo per 10.04LTS (natty di default ha già la libcurl giusta per il build)
$ md5sum curl_7.21.7-1_amd64.deb
ec12c57edb5795e6ddfe9d628e8f7113  curl_7.21.7-1_amd64.deb(1.7MB)

Per ciò che riguarda gnunet-gtk e gnunet-setup si possono usare i .deb fatti per natty(già provato). Wink  Probabilmente(non l'ho provato) ciò vale anche per il resto dei binari per natty   

Binari per la Natty(11.04)

$ md5sum extractor_0-6-2-1_amd64.deb
03551640afa862b37e950913bf675cd4  extractor_0-6-2-1_amd64.deb(41.8MB)

$ md5sum  libmicrohttpd_0-9-13-1_amd64.deb
31cf4b89a4002f49b99d3289fa79fc5f  libmicrohttpd_0-9-13-1_amd64.deb(724.0 kB)

$ md5sum gnunet09p3-1amd64
e6b7c69dbea859a5ad4b130977293be0  gnunet_09p3-1_amd64.deb(972.0 kB)

$ md5sum gnunet-gtk-svn09p03-1amd64
696e5c8a2b378493de2c66d2aaca1714  gnunet-gtk-svn_0.9p03-1_amd64.deb(1.8 MB)

$ md5sum gnunet-setup-0.9p3_0.9p3-1_amd64.deb
d44b3742446197f26778901cabb97070  gnunet-setup-0.9p3_0.9p3-1_amd64.deb(74.9 KB)

PS: i domini .edu nel shot e nella lista sotto sono delle Uni. Gnunet è un progetto in cui contribuisce gente che fa il suo PH.D


$ gnunet-peerinfo






























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