Gnunet's comands
$ apropos gnunet gnunet-arm (1) - control GNUnet services gnunet-directory (1) - display directories gnunet-download (1) - a command line interface for downloading files from GNUnet gnunet-gtk (1) - a gtk interface for accessing GNUnet gnunet-monkey (1) - automatically debugging for services gnunet-nat-server (1) - help GNUnet setup test network setup with NAT gnunet-peerinfo (1) - Display information about other peers. gnunet-pseudonym (1) - create, delete or list pseudonyms gnunet-publish (1) - a command line interface for publishing new content into GNUnet gnunet-search (1) - a command line interface to search for content on GNUnet gnunet-setup (1) - a gtk interface to configure GNUnet gnunet-statistics (1) - Display statistics about your GNUnet system gnunet-transport (1) - a tool to test a GNUnet transport service gnunet-unindex (1) - a command line interface for deleting indexed files from GNUnet premendo il tasto(autocompletion) Tab-Tab $ gnunet- gnunet-arm gnunet-service-core gnunet-core-list-connections gnunet-service-datastore gnunet-daemon-hostlist gnunet-service-dht gnunet-daemon-topology gnunet-service-dv gnunet-dht-get gnunet-service-fs gnunet-dht-get-peer gnunet-service-nse gnunet-dht-put gnunet-service-peerinfo gnunet-directory gnunet-service-resolver gnunet-download gnunet-service-statistics gnunet-gtk gnunet-service-template gnunet-helper-nat-client gnunet-service-transport gnunet-helper-nat-server gnunet-setup gnunet-nat-server gnunet-statistics gnunet-peerinfo gnunet-template gnunet-pseudonym gnunet-transport gnunet-publish gnunet-transport-certificate-creation gnunet-resolver gnunet-transport-list-connections gnunet-search gnunet-unindex gnunet-service-arm
Search & Download attraverso cli
dopo aver fatto eseguire il server gnunet(gnunet-arm -s)
search content in gnunet's net
harrykar@harrysas:~$ gnunet-search -t6 GPL #0: gnunet-download -o "gpl-3.0.txt" gnunet://fs/chk/PC0M19QMQC0BPSHR6BGA228PP6INER1D610MGEMOMEM87222FN8HVUO7PQGO0O9HD2GVLHF2N5IDHEQUNK6LKE428FPO96SKQEA486O.PG7K85JGQ6N599MD5HEP3CHEVFPKQD9JB6NPSLVA3T1SKDS66CFI499VS6MGQ88B0QUAVT1282TCRD4GGFVUKDLGI8F0SPIANA3J2LG.35147
ove(La ricerca porta a risultati unici):
0. gnunet-search: il cmd
1. GPL: è il termine di ricerca
2. PC0M19QMQC0BPSHR6BGA228PP6INER1D610MGEMOMEM87222FN8HVUO7...: key-hash
4. Opzionalmente ci sarebbe la descrizione, il mimetype ed altri metadati(qui mancano)
5. 35147: dimensione contenuto (in bytes)
6. gnunet-download -o "gpl-3.0.txt" gnunet://fs/chk/PC0M19Q.... : Per scaricarlo non bisogna tener memoria del cmd e delle hash vengono suggerite dall' output di gnunet-search. Basta fare un copy-past
7. NB: Se diamo il cmd senza -tn (ove n=6 --nel esempio su-- sono i secondi di ricerca dopo di chè ritorna il prompt) dobbiamo dare Ctrl-C per avere il prompt indietro
The keywords are case-sensitive. gnunet-search can be used both for a search
in the global namespace as well as for searching a private subspace.
query-hash, key-hash: content(plaintext)-->Key-hash(key for decrypting the file)-->Content Encryption-->hash of Encrypted content=query-hash(used to request-search the content)
download the file
harrykar@harrysas:~$ gnunet-download -o "gpl-3.0.txt" gnunet://fs/chk/PC0M19QMQC0BPSHR6BGA228PP6INER1D610MGEMOMEM87222FN8UO7PQGO0O9HD2GVLHF2N5IDHEQUNK6LKE428FPO96SKQEA486O.PG7K85JGQ6N599MD5HEP3CHEVFPKQD9JB6NPSLVA3T1SKDS66CFI499VS6MGQ88B0QUAVT1282TCRD4GGFVUKDLGI8F0SPIANA3J2LG.35147 Downloading `gpl-3.0.txt' done (1072 KiB/s).
0. gnunet-download: cmd
1. -o: opzione(sta per output file) che specifica il percorso del file da salvare(qui nella /home)
2. "gpl-3.0.txt" : è il filename consigliato(da salvare nella propria /home dato che diamo il cmd mentre siamo in /home e non specifichiamo un path)
Search & Download con gnunet-gtk (Gui)
dopo aver fatto eseguire il server gnunet(gnunet-arm -s)
gnunet-gtk Search
1. File sharing > search [o Ctrl-S]: ottengo la dialog window in Screenshot-1.png.
2. Compilo il campo di ricerca con la keyword di ricerca(attenzione è case-sensitive): GPL nel nostro caso per trovare il file test GPL e ottengo Screenshot-2.png.
3. clik sul file trovato nella sez a sx in Screenshot-2.png e ottengo i metadati del file nella sez. a dx --gnunet-gtk-0_9pre03.png--
gnunet-gtk Download
1. Clik dx sul file nella sez sx in gnunet-gtk-0_9pre03.png > Copy URI
2. Ctrl-D o File sharing > Download file e paste l' Uri in Screenshot-Download from URI.png e
3. clik su Execute. Scegliere un posto ove immagazzinare il file tipo una dir ~/Gnunet e il nome tipo gpl3_prova
4. Download del file. Nella sez sx in gnunet-gtk-0_9pre03.png il colore della selezione del file diventa verde e spariscono i metadati dalla sez dx
Publish content
Ossia mettere a disposizione(in share) del contenuto(files, directories --cartelle--). Dato che bittorent è parecchio conosciuto faccio dei paralleli per capire meglio somiglianze differenze.
A differenza di bittorent
In order to share files with other GNUnet users, the files must first be made available to GNUnet. GNUnet does not automatically share all files from a certain directory. In fact, even files that are downloaded are not automatically shared.
Il concetto del pseudonimo o namespace--Protezione per lo spam
gnunet-pseudonym is a tool for managing pseudonyms and namespaces. A pseudonym is the persona that controls a namespace. As such, it is identical to a public-private RSA key pair. A namespace is a collection of files that have been signed by the corresponding private RSA key. A namespace is typically associated with a nickname and other metadata.
Namespaces are an important tool for providing assurances about content integrity and authenticity in GNUnet. Since all of the content in the namespace must have been provided by the same entity, users can form an opinion about that entity and learn to search (or avoid) certain namespaces.
gnunet-pseudonym can be used to list all of the pseudonyms that were created locally, to create new pseudonyms, to delete existing pseudonyms (the namespace will continue to exist, but it will be impossible to add additional data to it) and to list all of the namespaces (with their meta-data) known to the local user. By default, gnunet-pseudonym lists all pseudonyms that were discovered so far.
Creating a new pseudonym requires using the -C option together with a nickname that is to be used for the namespace. Nicknames must be unique for each user, global uniqueness is desireable but not necessary. If two namespaces in GNUnet use the same nickname all GNUnet tools will display the nickname together with a number which ensures that the name becomes locally unique to avoid ambiguity. Additional options can be passed together with the -C option to provide additional meta-data that describes the namespace. Possible meta-data includes the 'realname' of the person controlling the namespace, a description,the mime-type for content in the namespace (useful if the namespace is dedicated to some specific type of content) and contact information. One important piece of meta-data that can be specified is the identifier of a document root, that is the name of a file in the namespace that is a portal to the rest of the content. This is useful to help users find this root in the absence of conventions. Note that all of this meta-data is optional and should never be trusted blindly.
As mentioned before, by default, gnunet-pseudonym simply lists the meta-data available for other namespaces. Namespaces can be discovered whenever the peer obtains the namespace advertisement. Namespace advertisements can be found using ordinary keyword-based searches (by default gnunet-pseudonym publishes the namespace advertisement under the keyword 'namespace', but the -k option can be used to specify other keywords) and under the 'empty' identifier of the respective namespace (using a namespace-search if the namespace ID is already known).
Since keywords can be spammed (any user can add any content under any keyword), GNUnet supports namespaces. A namespace is a subset of the search space into which only the holder of a certain pseudonym can add content. Any GNUnet user can create any number of pseudonyms using gnunet-pseudonym. Pseudonyms are stored in the user's GNUnet directory. While pseudonyms are locally identified with an arbitrary string that the user selects when the pseudonym is created, the namespace is globally known only under the hash of the public key of the pseudonym.Since only the owner of the pseudonym can add content to the namespace, it is impossible for other users to pollute the namespace. gnunet-publish automatically publish the top-directory (or the only file if only one file is specified) into the namespace if a pseudonym is specified.
It is possible to update content in GNUnet if that content was placed and obtained from a particular namespace. Updates are only possible for content in namespaces since this is the only way to assure that a malicious party can not supply counterfeited updates. Note that an update with GNUnet does not make the old content unavailable, GNUnet merely allows the publisher to point users to more recent versions. You can use the -N option to specify the future identifier of an update. When using this option, a GNUnet client that finds the current (-t) identifier will automatically begin a search for the update (-N) identifier. If you later publish an update under the (-N) identifier, both results will be given to the user.
Per favorire la privacy
1. Come per i bittorent privati(non pubblici come quelli che si trovano in siti di indexing tipo Pirate Bay) qui una volta pubblicato il contenuto la controparte per trovarlo deve sapere(gli dobbiamo dare) la keyword(il corrispondente dare mano mano il file .torrent --privato appunto--) per usare gnunet-search se no non può trovarlo e scaricarlo. Altrimenti dovrebbe tirare a indovinare compito alquanto difficile
2. A differenza di bittorent una volta fatto stop al demone il file non è più disponibile. In bitttorent come si sa una volta fatto un seed completo dalla sorgente essa potrebbe smettere a fare seed perchè ormai il file è nello swarm
In primis creiamo un pseudonimo che identificherà univocamente tutto ciò che pubblichiamo
$ gnunet-pseudonym -C harrykar
faccio una verifica per vedre se davvero si è creato il local namespace(-o sta per --only-local)
Mentre per ricerca e download si trova qualcosa in Google (dalle release precedenti) per il share di files per la release 0.9 il cmd è stato cambiato da gnunet-insert a gnunet-publish quindi diamo un' occhiata al suo man.
Per testarlo ho fatto il publish di 2 file che si possono anche scaricare quando ho il server gnunet on
$ gnunet-publish -m "title:Explanation of a remote buffer overflow vulnerability" -m "mimetype:application/x-pdf" -m "author name:Denis Maggiorotto" -k vuln remote_BOF_explanation.pdf Publishing `remote_BOF_explanation.pdf' done. URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354'.
$ gnunet-publish -k hacking -k exploit -m "title:Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Feb.2008.chm" -m "author name:Jon Erickson" -m "mimetype:application/x-chm" Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm Publishing `Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm' done. URI is `gnunet://fs/chk/G2MPAJBK7SGLP161I54H8EFAL5J8LOONJOPJDCDJSALE7F3KAG8RL67QRQORTB9IU82KVC4MNVV8NVCR5PPMR8M83N6CPEJNJV6N2C8.1K2M2JB1RC00NLUO6BUOV9E8IO1TC60QJFRU93QE2OAEUC56J7PCFVUL5760E0M9SN3UHMIDG0S5V3GALTB4C5EJ1C72QBNPQ2NC3B0.4900023'.
-m: metadati (guarda man) o dare:
$ extract -Lreserved mimetype embedded filename comment title book title book edition book chapter journal name journal volume journal number page count page range author name author email author institution publisher publisher's address publishing institution publication series publication type publication year publication month publication day publication date bibtex eprint bibtex entry type language creation time URL URI international standard recording code MD4 MD5 SHA-0 SHA-1 RipeMD160 GPS latitude ref GPS latitude GPS longitude ref GPS longitude city sublocation country country code unknown description copyright rights keywords abstract summary subject creator format format version created by software unknown date creation date modification date last printed last saved by total editing time editing cycles modified by software revision history embedded file size file type creator package name package version section upload priority dependencies conflicting packages replaced packages provides recommendations suggestions maintainer installed size source is essential target architecture pre-dependency license distribution build host vendor target operating system software version target platform resource type library search path library dependency camera make camera model exposure aperture exposure bias flash flash bias focal length focal length 35mm iso speed exposure mode metering mode macro mode image quality white balance orientation magnification image dimensions produced by software thumbnail image resolution source character set line count paragraph count word count character count page orientation paper size template company manager revision number duration album artist genre track number disk number performer contact song version picture cover picture contributor picture event picture logo broadcast television system source device disclaimer warning page order writer product version contributor movie director network show chapter name song count starting song play counter conductor interpretation composer beats per minute encoded by original title original artist original writer original release year original performer lyrics popularity licensee musician credit list mood subtitle display type full data rating organization ripper producer group original filename last
Per trovare i metadati(per esempio per trovare le keywords da usare in gnunet-search) che libexractor estrae(indipendentemente dalle keywords che noi diamo col parametro -k) dal file(senza pubblicarlo --quindi come se avessimo dato l' opzione -s--) usiamo il parametro -e
$ gnunet-publish -e -k hacking -k exploit -m "title:Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Feb.2008.chm" -m "author name:Jon Erickson" -m "mimetype:application/x-chm" Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chmMeta data for file `Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm' (4785 KiB) title - Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Feb.2008.chm publication date - Fri Aug 12 12:06:35 2011 mimetype - application/x-chm author name - Jon Erickson Keywords for file `Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm' (4785 KiB) hacking exploit Hacking The Art of Exploitation 2nd Feb.2008.chm application/x-chm Jon Erickson $ gnunet-search "Jon Erickson" #0: gnunet-download -o "Hacking_The_Art_of_Exploitation_2nd_Feb.2008.chm" gnunet://fs/chk/G2MPAJBK7SGLP161I54H8EFAL5J8LOONJOPJDCDJSALE7F3KAG8RL67QRQORTB9IU82KVC4MNVV8NVCR5PPMR8M83N6CPEJNJV6N2C8.1K2M2JB1RC00NLUO6BUOV9E8IO1TC60QJFRU93QE2OAEUC56J7PCFVUL5760E0M9SN3UHMIDG0S5V3GALTB4C5EJ1C72QBNPQ2NC3B0.4900023 $ gnunet-publish -e -m "title:Explanation of a remote buffer overflow vulnerability" -m "mimetype:application/x-pdf" -m "author name:Denis Maggiorotto" -k vuln /home/harrykar/Activities/sec/sec_books/infosec/remote_BOF_explanation.pdf Meta data for file `remote_BOF_explanation.pdf' (198 KiB) resource type - MPEG-1 Layer III audio, 224 kbps (CBR), 44100 Hz, dual channel, copyright, copy title - Microsoft Word - Buffer overflow vulnerability, the basics.doc title - Explanation of a remote buffer overflow vulnerability created by software - PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 publication date - Thu Sep 1 10:18:01 2011 produced by software - GPL Ghostscript 8.15 mimetype - application/x-pdf author name - Denis Maggiorotto mimetype - application/pdf creation date - 20070522135025 modification date - 20070522135025 mimetype - audio/mpeg format - PDF 1.4 format version - MPEG-1 author name - denis duration - 0m07 page count - 11 Keywords for file `remote_BOF_explanation.pdf' (198 KiB) vuln MPEG-1 Layer III audio, 224 kbps (CBR), 44100 Hz, dual channel, copyright, copy Microsoft Word - Buffer overflow vulnerability, the basics.doc Explanation of a remote buffer overflow vulnerability PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 GPL Ghostscript 8.15 application/x-pdf Denis Maggiorotto application/pdf 20070522135025 $ gnunet-search vuln #0: gnunet-download -o "remote_BOF_explanation.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354 $ gnunet-search 20070522135025 #0: gnunet-download -o "remote_BOF_explanation.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354 $ gnunet-search application/pdf #0: gnunet-download -o "Gray Hat Hacking Second Edition.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/FOD1NDAC56PI4J0SF638BM85P07BN2DD9IPDAT8S2Q96M6V816CEUASM99UAUKBHSS71K5VR5VCJD1E3NH316A5QEOM82TKA49JLTK8.5E3PAB8USRH7C8B4I065M44MQ63SDJALSF6G5267KS1N6SIHC41V2MPKAOLR35UVLRES2E0EPVAMN6TUENO57KVBRDMQC5OIV7O4200.13163167 #1: gnunet-download -o "remote_BOF_explanation.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354 #2: gnunet-download -o "You And Your Research.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/BKO1NJO06EPR7L5LA0KHOR4U8UTVC5ACRABR08H1FTE1PS9D57I6CUQR7DFTO3KF9JGKB8M7APO5M7M7U7U10A8INV5A67EB0O72SU8.VTM4RGSO7EL6502DQ4HHD7PKHTJMOREM1GOP5KGVP07DQI2B899JMH3SE910LRUAJMP4CSHC6CAABI0C2R9M07END989MM3H1DO5MB0.96313 $ gnunet-search application/x-pdf #0: gnunet-download -o "remote_BOF_explanation.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354 $ gnunet-search "GPL Ghostscript 8.15" #0: gnunet-download -o "remote_BOF_explanation.pdf" gnunet://fs/chk/E5P5JN0RLU3480EPSNEABGV069F8V08N1LRNE8KNMNB45K6VKFQ7DSIBP41360PL4SPTI6HGIDN6CLFO9F413O2D1B23U0A8GP1F8MO.ADO4MVCO84JDLF29PRTT4SIJP6SU5EUPLSKEDN48FOCREELCHUIPLN7F8PV03TU1BBS1V546B5ITP8EFHI9D6DGD7AK1QRSB1R2FE90.203354
-k: impostazione keywords per la ricerca del file nella rete gnunet
Per più informazioni:
$ man gnunet-publish
1. In primis creiamo un pseudonimo che identificherà tutto cio che pubblichiamo
Ctrl-N o File sharing > Create pseudonym: nel mio caso harrykar(guarda shot Screenshot-Publish content on GNUnet.png )
2. Poi Ctrl-A o File sharing > Publish : possiamo pubblicare un file o una dir di files:Nella dialog window di scelta file una volta scelto il file/dir click su ok in basso a dx
3. sulla window "publish content on gnunet" scegliamo il file e ckick su edit.Adesso possiamo associare al file dei metadati e delle keywords. Una volta che abbiamo finito click su ok in basso a dx(guarda shot Screenshot-Screenshot.png.png)
Riguardo la sezione Options in basso a dx(che in primis si potrebbero lasciare i valori di default):
Priority, Expiration Year: that priority is just for the local datastore, it means nothing until your datastore is full and it has to find something to erase. Same with the expiration, when inserting something new with priority P and the datastore is full, it will first erase anything that's expired, then it will start erasing things of priority < P, if that fails (everything in the datastore is current and more important) then the insert fails.
Notice:That priority has nothing to do with priority defined as the amount of trust that the sender node S is willing to risk for his request in the "Excess-based economic model for resource allocation in P2P networks" paper
in theory: anonymity controls the ratio between your own traffic and the traffic you route
In other words, it's how much cover traffic you'll wait for until sending a response to a request for this file. That is, if you want to send 100 bytes with anonymity 5, you have to wait until you have 400 bytes of other people's traffic to route - then you will be able to send your 100 bytes along with it
in practice: anonymity == 0 means that non-anonymous routing is used. anonymity != 0 means that anonymous routing is used.(that is the state of gnunet implementation)
Index file
Localmente(al peer) le informazioni circa il contenuto e metadati vengono immagazzinate in un DBase (mysql, sqLite3, postgres). Anzichè il contenuto(file/dir) vero e proprio è più efficiente immagazzinare un puntatore al acontenuto. Per default Index file è spuntato
4. click su execute e il file viene pubblicato
(sostituisce gnunet-delete nelle rel. precedenti)Dopo aver pubblicato un file(Attenzione non funziona per le directory. Se abbiamo pubblicato una directory dobbiamo fare unindex ogni singolo file ivi contenuto) se dopo vogliamo "toglierlo dalla circolazione" e se il file è stato indicizzato(anzichè propriamente immagazinato) nel DB gnunet-unindex è il commando che interessa dare.
By default, GNUnet indexes a file instead of copying it. This is much more efficient, but requries the file to stay unaltered at the location where it was when it was indexed. If you intend to move, delete or alter a file, consider using the option -n which will force GNUnet to make a copy of the file in the database. Since it is much less efficient, this is strongly discouraged for large files. When GNUnet indexes a file (default), GNUnet does not create an additional encrypted copy of the file but just computes a summary (or index) of the file. That summary is approximately two percent of the size of the original file and is stored in GNUnet's database.
Whenever a request for a part of an indexed file reaches GNUnet, this part is encrypted on-demand and send out. There is no need for an additional encrypted copy of the file to stay anywhere on the drive. This is very different from other systems, such as Freenet where each file that is put online must be in Freenet's database in encrypted format, doubling the space requirements if the user wants to preseve a directly accessible copy in plaintext.
Thus indexing should be used for all files where the user will keep using this file (at the location given to gnunet-publish) and does not want to retrieve it back from GNUnet each time.
The option -n may be used if the user fears that the file might be found on his drive (assuming the computer comes under the control of an adversary). When used with the -n flag, the user has a much better chance of denying knowledge of the existence of the file, even if it is still (encrypted) on the drive and the adversary is able to crack the encryption (e.g. by guessing the keyword).
Per un file di 4MB
$ gnunet-unindex -V /home/harrykar/Desktop/TriblerDownloads/OReilly.XMPP.The.Definitive.Guide.May.2009.eBook-BBL/Oreilly.XMPP.The.Definitive.Guide.May.2009.pdfUnindexing at 0/3629067 (eternity remaining) Unindexing at 32768/3629067 (9 s remaining) Unindexing at 65536/3629067 (4621 ms remaining) Unindexing at 98304/3629067 (3124 ms remaining) Unindexing at 131072/3629067 (2348 ms remaining) Unindexing at 163840/3629067 (1924 ms remaining) Unindexing at 196608/3629067 (1606 ms remaining) Unindexing at 229376/3629067 (1378 ms remaining) Unindexing at 262144/3629067 (1207 ms remaining) Unindexing at 294912/3629067 (1074 ms remaining) Unindexing at 327680/3629067 (967 ms remaining) Unindexing at 360448/3629067 (897 ms remaining) Unindexing at 393216/3629067 (822 ms remaining) Unindexing at 425984/3629067 (759 ms remaining) Unindexing at 458752/3629067 (704 ms remaining) Unindexing at 491520/3629067 (657 ms remaining) Unindexing at 524288/3629067 (615 ms remaining) Unindexing at 557056/3629067 (579 ms remaining) Unindexing at 589824/3629067 (561 ms remaining) Unindexing at 622592/3629067 (531 ms remaining) Unindexing at 655360/3629067 (503 ms remaining) Unindexing at 688128/3629067 (478 ms remaining) Unindexing at 720896/3629067 (455 ms remaining) Unindexing at 753664/3629067 (434 ms remaining) Unindexing at 786432/3629067 (415 ms remaining) Unindexing at 819200/3629067 (397 ms remaining) Unindexing at 851968/3629067 (381 ms remaining) Unindexing at 884736/3629067 (366 ms remaining) Unindexing at 917504/3629067 (351 ms remaining) Unindexing at 950272/3629067 (338 ms remaining) Unindexing at 983040/3629067 (325 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1015808/3629067 (321 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1048576/3629067 (312 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1081344/3629067 (301 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1114112/3629067 (291 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1146880/3629067 (283 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1179648/3629067 (276 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1212416/3629067 (267 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1245184/3629067 (258 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1277952/3629067 (250 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1310720/3629067 (244 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1343488/3629067 (236 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1376256/3629067 (229 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1409024/3629067 (222 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1441792/3629067 (221 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1474560/3629067 (214 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1507328/3629067 (215 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1540096/3629067 (218 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1572864/3629067 (219 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1605632/3629067 (212 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1638400/3629067 (206 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1671168/3629067 (200 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1703936/3629067 (194 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1736704/3629067 (188 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1769472/3629067 (182 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1802240/3629067 (177 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1835008/3629067 (172 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1867776/3629067 (166 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1900544/3629067 (176 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1933312/3629067 (172 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1966080/3629067 (167 ms remaining) Unindexing at 1998848/3629067 (162 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2031616/3629067 (157 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2064384/3629067 (152 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2097152/3629067 (147 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2129920/3629067 (142 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2162688/3629067 (138 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2195456/3629067 (136 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2228224/3629067 (132 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2260992/3629067 (127 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2293760/3629067 (123 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2326528/3629067 (119 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2359296/3629067 (115 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2392064/3629067 (111 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2424832/3629067 (107 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2457600/3629067 (103 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2490368/3629067 (100 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2523136/3629067 (96 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2555904/3629067 (93 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2588672/3629067 (91 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2621440/3629067 (88 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2654208/3629067 (85 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2686976/3629067 (81 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2719744/3629067 (78 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2752512/3629067 (75 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2785280/3629067 (71 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2818048/3629067 (68 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2850816/3629067 (65 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2883584/3629067 (62 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2916352/3629067 (58 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2949120/3629067 (55 ms remaining) Unindexing at 2981888/3629067 (52 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3014656/3629067 (49 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3047424/3629067 (46 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3080192/3629067 (44 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3112960/3629067 (41 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3145728/3629067 (38 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3178496/3629067 (35 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3211264/3629067 (33 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3244032/3629067 (30 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3276800/3629067 (27 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3309568/3629067 (24 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3342336/3629067 (22 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3375104/3629067 (19 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3407872/3629067 (16 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3440640/3629067 (14 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3473408/3629067 (11 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3506176/3629067 (9 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3538944/3629067 (7 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3571712/3629067 (4 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3604480/3629067 (1 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3629067/3629067 (0 ms remaining) Unindexing at 3629067/3629067 (0 ms remaining) Unindexing done.
Per un file di qualche KB
$ gnunet-unindex -V /home/harrykar/Desktop/TriblerDownloads/OReilly.XMPP.The.Definitive.Guide.May.2009.eBook-BBL/bbl.nfo Unindexing at 0/3312 (eternity remaining) Unindexing at 3312/3312 (0 ms remaining) Unindexing done.
Se anzichè un file tentiamo di fare unindex una directory otteniamo il seguente errore
In gnunet i peer li vediamo come appaiono sotto(ossia attraverso i peer IDs IP:port):
@LRN from #gnunet
Anyway, the point of GNUnet is NOT to hide your IP-address from
everyone, but to make an adversary unable to determine whether a piece
of data originated from your node or from somewhere else.THAT is what anonymity is about(and there's also deniability)
with "-qs", this is the exact line that other peers would have to put in to their friends file in order to consider this peer one of their friends in F2F mode
From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] HowTo for gnunet-stats?
At this point(Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:57:12 -0500), most gnunet-stats numbers
are interesting for developers that look at a particular aspect of the system
only. While end-users may find it useful for poking around, gnunet-stats is not
really targeted towards them.
# peers known 30, # peers connected 12# active neighbours 12
# peers connected (transport) 12 : è il num dei peer direttamete connessi con noi (1 hop)
$ gnunet-unindex -V /home/harrykar/Desktop/TriblerDownloads/OReilly.XMPP.The.Definitive.Guide.May.2009.eBook-BBL/ Aug 14 01:59:43-730280 gnunet-unindex-21465 WARNING `read' failed on file `/home/harrykar/Desktop/TriblerDownloads/OReilly.XMPP.The.Definitive.Guide.May.2009.eBook-BBL/' at crypto_hash.c:151 with error: Is a directory Error unindexing: Failed to compute hash of file..
Peerinfo, stats
In gnunet i peer li vediamo come appaiono sotto(ossia attraverso i peer IDs IP:port):
@LRN from #gnunet
with "-qs", this is the exact line that other peers would have to put in to their friends file in order to consider this peer one of their friends in F2F mode
From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] HowTo for gnunet-stats?
At this point(Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:57:12 -0500), most gnunet-stats numbers
are interesting for developers that look at a particular aspect of the system
only. While end-users may find it useful for poking around, gnunet-stats is not
really targeted towards them.
ex gnunet-stats
$ gnunet-statistics core # peer status changes : 12451 core # PONG messages decrypted : 2997 core # bytes decrypted : 812924 core # PONG messages received : 2997 transport # payload received from other peers : 992164 transport # bytes received from other peers : 1830020 transport # bytes received via TCP : 1830020 transport # bytes transmitted via TCP : 1314854 transport # bytes successfully transmitted by plugins : 685748 transport # bytes currently in TCP buffers : 0 transport # bytes TCP was asked to transmit : 1317980 transport # bytes pending with plugins : 0 transport # transport selected peer address freely : 6378 transport # bytes in message queue for other peers : 0 transport # payload received for other peers : 985252 core # encrypted bytes given to transport : 495092 core # PONG messages created : 3106 core # bytes encrypted : 434476 core # PING messages decrypted : 3106 core # PING messages received : 3106 transport # PONGs unicast via reliable transport : 1755 transport # PING messages received : 1755 transport # peer addresses considered valid : 1872 transport # address validation successes : 1872 transport # PONG messages received : 1872 transport # PING messages sent for re-validation : 1860 transport # PING without HELLO messages sent : 1860 transport # duplicate HELLO (peer known) : 157 transport # outstanding peerinfo iterate requests : 0 transport # peer addresses not validated (loopback) : 124 transport # peer addresses scheduled for validation : 253 transport # HELLO validations (update case) : 157 transport # valid peer addresses returned by PEERINFO : 121 transport # peerinfo process hello iterate requests : 157 transport # HELLOs received for validation : 168 transport # HELLO messages received from other peers : 120 core # messages not delivered to any client : 2847 core # bytes of messages of type 322 received : 18348 core # bytes of payload decrypted : 359084 transport # address validation timeouts : 9 transport # bytes with transmission failure by plugins : 3942 transport # bytes discarded by TCP (failed to connect) : 3942 transport # PING messages sent for initial validation : 21 transport # peer addresses not validated (plugin not available): 108 transport # transmitted my HELLO to other peers : 84 transport # refreshed my HELLO : 8 transport # disconnects due to timeout : 119 transport # active neighbours : 12 transport # bytes discarded due to disconnect : 40936 transport # REQUEST CONNECT messages received : 148 transport # message delivery deferred (no address) : 155 transport # transport failed to selected peer address : 155 transport # transmission attempts failed (no address) : 155 transport # HELLO's sent to new neighbors : 131 transport # peerinfo new neighbor iterate requests : 131 core # connection requests received : 148 topology # connect requests issued to core : 148 core # bytes of messages of type 137 received : 334208 transport # no existing neighbour record (validating HELLO) : 12 transport # HELLOs received from clients : 48 core # bytes of messages of type 16 received : 6528 topology # HELLO messages received : 24 core # transmissions delayed due to corking : 24 topology # HELLO messages gossipped : 24 !hostlist # milliseconds between hostlist downloads : 28800000 transport # SET QUOTA messages received : 23 core # established sessions : 12 core # Session keys confirmed via PONG : 12 topology # peers connected : 12 hostlist # active connections : 12 core # SET_KEY messages decrypted : 16 core # session keys received : 16 core # SET_KEY and PING messages created : 19 core # SET_KEY messages deferred (need public key) : 0 core # peers connected (transport) : 12 core # neighbour entries allocated : 12 transport # peers connected : 12 transport # connected addresses : 12 transport # TCP WELCOME messages received : 12 hostlist # valid HELLOs downloaded from hostlist servers : 24 hostlist # bytes downloaded from hostlist servers : 7824 hostlist # hostlist downloads initiated : 2 transport # TCP sessions active : 12 peerinfo # peers known : 30 core # discarded lower priority CORE_SEND requests : 0 core # discarded CORE_SEND requests : 0 !datastore # bytes used in file-sharing datastore : 3407757 !datastore # bytes stored
# peers known 30, # peers connected 12# active neighbours 12
# peers connected (transport) 12 : è il num dei peer direttamete connessi con noi (1 hop)
An introduction to GNUnet : un po vecchiotto(2005) tanto per dare un idea
Gnunet usage
GHM(GNU Hackers Meeting) Videos online: video e slides (correlando con i papers aiutano a capire il sistema)
P2P Programs Designed for Anonymity
Documentation (fortemente consigliato come prima lettura --anche se non si riferisce alla rel 0.9--)
Gnunet's papers post
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